Offboarding experience, and why does it matter?

Himanshi Jain
3 min readMay 24, 2021

Offboarding is the formal process during which an employee parts ways with the people and the organization.

Every organization constantly focus on employee experience; that’s why we design an effective and smooth onboarding program. But what about the experience for those who have approached the end of their employee lifecycle?

Onboarding provides the first impression about the organization and set them for success in their role. In contrast, Offboarding gives the last impression about the organization and set them up for success during an exit.

Designing a formal process to transition employees out of your organization is vital for future recruitment, company reputation, and business performance.

How to design an Offboarding experience?

  • Communicate all Essential Information

Thank the employee for their contributions!

Discuss with them and finalize their last working day. Please ensure to provide them with an outline of the whole exit process, let them know what else we expect of them during the transition period, and explain the ending of benefit coverages like health insurance, expense reimbursement, etc., as you define them during onboarding.

In this remote time, we must ensure to connect with them and answer all of their queries.

  • Make the Final Day Feel Seamless

Plan on them leaving early that day and make it easy to hand in equipment, turn in keys or access cards, and hand off responsibilities. Conduct the exit interview. Employees might provide a more concrete and proper response. Invite them to join the Alumni Group.

  • Stay in touch

Offboarding doesn’t end on the employee’s last working day. There are few more steps that the organization needs to do to complete the process.

Make sure the employee receives their Final settlement and outstanding expenses. If the exiting employee has any questions about benefits, direct them to the right SPOC.

  • End Things On a Good Note

It’s relatively easy to handle employees that leave on good terms.

A positive employee offboarding experience, on the other hand, can go a long way. An employee who’s exiting the company with a positive experience will do more than speak nicely of you.

  • Offboarding experiences impact the bottom line.

Employees will remember the treatment they received when they left the organization. It’s an investment for the future. It is a time to reflect and make improvements.

  • Using tech to your Rescue

Organizations with limited resources might find that having an automated solution to handle specific steps allows them to deliver a more human experience. Technology will also enable organizations to have a clear record of what actions have taken place in the offboarding process. So, this tech can allow the organization to deliver a consistent experience.

Offboarding is just as crucial to HR processes as onboarding.

Designing your offboarding process provide us insights about organization area which we can improve them in the future. It set an impression on people that the organization values their progression and is interested in changing for the better.

