Himanshi Jain
1 min readMar 4, 2021


Diversity & Inclusivity

Have you ever wondered, what do they mean for a company?

Is it only limited to hiring candidates from different demographics, background, gender and religious belief?

Diversity is having a workforce where individuals can have a unique point of view, different from other people. Some standard classifications are caste, gender, and religion.

Inclusivity means respecting everyone and giving them a fair opportunity and treating as one of your own at every place.

Inclusivity can not be attained by only having a diverse workforce. It comes from considering everyone equal and welcoming different opinions without any judgement.

Diversity and inclusivity are not only crucial for an organization but also an individual.

For Organization: They enhance their image and build confidence around the company in the market, hence, attracting talent. Employee engagement and friendly culture make an organization a safe and comfortable place to work.

For Individuals: It not only provides economic independence but also helps in maintaining mental health quotient.

So educating everybody about it and building up a diverse & inclusive culture helps in bringing an ‘Egalitarian Young Leader’ for tomorrow.

#Diversity #Inclusivity #workplace #youngleaders

